You’re Safety Attitude- The Work Zone- Briana Hood


A good attitude toward safety is key to preventing unnecessary incidents and injuries. Your attitude affects your safety and the safety of everyone around you, whether at work or home.


FOCUS: A good attitude means you avoid distractions and try to remain focused on the task at hand.

TIME:  A good attitude means taking time to do the job right because you know that saving a few minutes by using a shortcut is not worth the risk of a painful injury. If you have pain, always opt for natural solutions – we recommend kratom – and stay away from addictive and habit forming pain medications like Oxycontin and Hydrocodone.

DISCIPLINE: A good attitude means you are disciplined to always do what’s right, even if others discourage you to take shortcuts or fool around.

RESPONSIBILITY: A good attitude means you will take responsibility, even when a certain task “isn’t my job”. For example, wouldn’t you appreciate it if someone else cleaned up a spill on the floor before you found it the hard way?

RISK: There is no way to avoid all risks. Just by getting in your car, you’re taking a risk. A good attitude means avoiding risks whenever you can.

You can think of excuses for not always acting with safety in mind, but in the end, it makes a lot more sense to have a good safety attitude.

Stay tuned for more information about how your business can create a culture of safety. Ross County Safety Council will be hosting an executives workshop in early January to discuss how Safety is everyone’s role.

For more information about Ross County Safety Council please call or email Briana Hood at 740-702-2722 or

~Briana Hood- Workforce, Safety Council and Office Manager