Small Business Week- Around The Corner – Randy Davies

April 30th– May 6th, 2017

Small Business Week

We hope that you will consider joining us as we promote and celebrate small businesses during the first week of May. Small Business Week was started in 1963 by President Lyndon B Johnson to recognize entrepreneurs in communities across the country. Since then, Presidents of the United States proclaim the first week of May as “Small Business Week”.

We hope that you will consider joining us in celebrating small business! Please join us for one of the following events:

Wednesday, May 3rd– Cash Mob Wednesday! What is a cash mob? Cash Mobs are a group of individuals who come together to solve a riddle which leads them to a specific shop. Once in the shop individuals agree to spend a minimum of $10, to show the selected shop (chosen by a random drawing) some love. Please meet us at the entrance of Yoctangee Park, at the Paint and Water Streets, at 5:15PM to get the clues for this month’s location.

Thursday, May 4th– “Resource Thursday”- As a small business you may be the CEO, HR Manager, Marketing Manager, Maintenance person, and cashier all in one. Let us help connect you with resources to help your business thrive. Join us from 12-1PM for a member benefit recap and then from 2-3PM for a webinar by SLN connect. Thursday, May 4th is also “independent consultant day” here at the Chamber. Stop by and shop with this great group of direct sales people who invest in our Chamber. They will be setup in the Chamber conference room from 3-5PM.

Friday, May 5th CELEBRATE Small Business! Join us at the Chamber from 3-4PM as we enjoy cake and celebrate the small businesses in our community. We hope that you will take a few moments to stop by! Click Here to Register for the Celebration!

Small Business Week is a great way to honor the entrepreneurs who had a vision and made it a reality. Remember from April 30th– May 6th to thank and praise all the small business owners in your life. Frequent a certain coffee shop or eatery? Shop a certain retail spot on a regular basis? Be sure to tell them you are supporting Small Business Week and thank them for what they bring to the community.


Randy Davies


45 E. Main St.

Chillicothe, OH 45601

Fax: 740-702-2722