Keeping Our Community United, Not Divided – Around The Corner – Randy Davies
Our hometown has faced, and is battling many issues recently…honestly too many to recite. However, there is one topic that has been brought forward over the last two weeks that could have a dramatic impact to the way we live, work and do business here.
A draft piece of legislation was presented recently to Chillicothe City Council members that address discrimination in the workplace and other situations within our city limits. Since the draft ordinance was made public, many opinions and sides have been developed. The Board of Directors and the staff – including myself – of the Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce has not taken ANY position on this proposal.
I think it is fair, however, to say that we all want to be open and welcoming to anyone who wants to do business within our community and NOT discriminate in any manner to those doing business here.
I look forward to open discussions that will be taking place in the upcoming scheduled meetings being conducted by City Council and its committees. Until then, let me again state the chamber is NOT endorsing or opposing this proposal at this time. Once legislation is passed, if that is the ultimate conclusion, we will work with all of our members to adequately address all items within the legislation to ensure each business is aware of any new laws or regulations. Until then, we look forward to being part of the process, listening to all sides and concerns, and sharing our thoughts when appropriate.
We want a community that is welcoming to those who have set up shop here, or those looking to do so, not an atmosphere of hatred or bigotry toward any individual or class.
If you hear or see discussions that state “the chamber” is for or against this topic I would appreciate you contacting me personally to talk about our position of support for a community of non-discrimination. Those for or against this proposal may not be authorized to speak on the chamber’s behalf, so any association between individuals and this organization should be taken lightly and not as fact to the chamber’s position concerning either “side” of this issue.
There are items within the proposed legislation that should be addressed, just like there are concerns that businesses have with some of the language as proposed. We are open to hear both pros and cons for each situation.
Our ultimate mission is to help business grow and to be a center of welcoming commerce in our region. Working together, we accomplish this and make our community a place for all to live, work and play.
~ Randy Davies, President/CEO